Monday 13 October 2014


From Geoffrey Buta, Tamale.

It is heart breaking to see and to know that Parents think more about money than the welfare of their children. This is a harsh reality to know that this is happening around the world and specifically in Tamale, where some parents allow their kids as young as four years to be selling in the rain in the name of poverty.

Child labor in Ghana presents great challenges, although the Children’s Act provides ages for admission to employment, proscribes labor which exploits the child by deprivation of health, education or development, working children are a common phenomenon, especially in Northern Region and its rural communities.

More children between the ages of 5-17years are engaged in economic activity where hawking shepherding of cattle and sheep, fishing, crop farming are the common child labor activities in the urban areas.

Hawking among School going children especially girls in the Tamale Metropolis is springing up rapidly as the life of such children are exposed to road accident, child abuse and other dangerous activities.
Some of these girls sell from morning to 9 pm in the night as shown in the photograph.

Most of these girls were photographed during school going hours where schools have resume who should be in school, were seen hawking on the streets.
Some of the children had different stories to tell when I interviewed them.

These children are among 27 million people in slavery in the world who have been engaged in modern day slavery who deserve the same right, dignity and respect in their lives to enjoy the basic human right.

Many of these children have been trick by force promises, of good education a better job, only to find they are forced to work and abuse.

The girl above don't even know the price of roasted groundnut she is selling. 
                                                               a little girl selling in the night

                                                some young girls selling yam

 Eleven-year-old Ajara, who lives with her parents in the lamashiegu, said she only hawk after school in order to support her parents to cater for their school needs.
These children are among 27 million people in slavery in the world who have been engaged in modern day slavery who deserve the same right, dignity and respect in their lives to enjoy the basic human right.

                                                a boy on school uniform selling

Friday 10 October 2014

My October Wedding

As each week passes, I love what I do. I realized 70% of my enjoyment comes from the work as a photographer. Far better than the daily interaction with people and the challenge of the job is the lifestyle photography gives.

Tuesday 2 September 2014


24 people were photographed on board on this Nissan Pick Up truck and other  unaccountable on bigger trucks as shown in the photograph from Saboba to Tamale in the Northern Region. 
Majority of the rural dwellers use similar  means of transport because of the scarcity of proper means of transport despite the danger associated with.
Some risk their lives seating on the edges of the trucks without any support in case of any eventuality.
From: Geoffrey Buta

Monday 18 August 2014

Braid hair not selling Yam.

The best work for this girl is to braid hair not selling yam. Somewhere in Tamale.

Wednesday 13 August 2014


women are vital components in our society. their voice is what gave them their freedom. and i think it should be valued just as much as man's.

Tuesday 12 August 2014

Northern Men do not do women job.

You hardly see men from some part of the Northern Region doing this kind of job.
I was surprise myself to see them picking out unwanted particles from maize during a visit by Canadian minister to inspect some projects they are sponsoring. 
I later realize it was just symbolic from how they pose and they have to do it because the minister is doing it.

Sunday 10 August 2014

Love is often the fruit of marriage.

Love is often the fruit of marriage. I photograph to inspire, that is why i wake up from bed every morning

Tuesday 5 August 2014


Alleged witches have been subjected to beating, forced to strip naked and feed excrement and ban from participating in any social gathering in parts of Northern Region of Ghana.
Most of these innocent alleged witches are widows, aged, poor and mostly without family support are deny of their human right where they are accused as witches with superstitious powers.
Some of these alleged witches are forced to leave their marital and family homes to stay at witch camps for their safety.
This practice is widely seen only in the rural communities in the Northern Region where the woman faces hardship and injustices from the public

Wednesday 23 July 2014

BEAUTIFUL STREET OF TAMALE (Nokia Lumia 1020 photos)

There is nowhere else in sight when you live from day to day.
Beautiful Street of Tamale.